Children experience and make sense of the world through their own play-based discoveries, fueled by their natural curiosity.


Children experience and make sense of the world through their own play-based discoveries, fueled by their natural curiosity. Bringing genuine working life practices and processes into learning situations means children engage in a meaningful way with genuine interest.


We strive to help each child build a connection with the natural world, harbouring a curiosity and respect for the environment. Notions of conservation and sustainability are subjects of the heart at Lavelle and we recognise the importance of including our children in this important task. We constantly work with the environment in mind, supporting our staff, children and their families to do the same.


In order to fully support each child, a strong relationship with families is important and we value each family member’s input. With continued communication with families, we can provide each child with a level of consistency at home and at school working together towards a common goal.


We believe that children work through a series of stages in their development that can occur at different ages. Each child’s development is under constant supervision from our educators, resulting in an environment which challenges each child differently, regardless of where they are in their development.


There is nothing more important than supporting children to understand the value of being kind. By providing opportunities where they can share and show compassion, kindness and respect, children at Lavelle grow up with the skills and desire to positively impact the world around them.


Creativity at Lavelle Academy is encouraged and celebrated. Children need opportunities to take risks to give them the confidence and platform to be creative. A safe environment that encourages exploration and active learning experiences inspires creativity, equipping children with unique ways of thinking to prepare them for our ever-changing world.